Participating in Google Summer of Code 2017

- 1 min


This is my first blog post on my own personal website. This is based upon my target to achieve in Google Summer of Code 2017. Thanks to FOSSASIA which is my organization and Google for sponsoring such open-source culture.


The idea is to implement an autonomous webapp to build the Linux Distro and deploy the ISO image of Distro for users to download it.

Solution (Path to implementation)

We are going to use Flask (a framework for python web server) for giving the backbone to the project. We will use Heroku to build your site and it is hosted here. And Heroku for deployment of ISO image. In the root of the project, we will have one script which acts as the main file to refer to the frontend, pass the parameter to the server to (meilix-script) build and deployment of iso image. Travis will do the deployment of the iso image on Heroku. We are now using user account on Heroku, after successfully building, will transfer it to the organization Heroku Account.

Future Perspective (Ideas to be implemented)

The first task is to get the webapp generate the iso image with at least single user configuration. Our aim to get the user to config the start page of the browser, the desktop wallpaper(by uploading one of their choice), etc. For the time being, the desktop environment is fixed to LXQT. Heroku task is to deploy the iso image on each merged pull request. After giving the configuration, Travis will build the image and in the meanwhile, the user doesn’t have to wait on the site which means the link to downloading the iso image will be emailed.

Let’s Code it!

Tarun Kumar

Tarun Kumar

A Man who who wants everything to get open-sourced

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